Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Communication is the lifeline of relationship. Without effective communication organizations like WHFC fail to thrive (maybe even survive). Do you agree?

I have been reading "Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World" by Margaret Wheatley. She writes,
"for any system to remain alive information must continually be generated. If there is nothing new, or the information merely confirms what already is, then the result will be death. Closed systems wind down and decay ... the source of life is new information - novelty - ordered into new structures. We need to have new information coursing through our systems, disturbing the peace, imbuing everything it touches with the possibility of new life. We need therefore, to develop new approaches to communication - not for management but encouragement, not control but genesis." (pg. 95ff)

In the church setting, communication is the difference that makes a difference because it is that which changes us (Stafford Beers). Communication is not a "thing we can get our hands around, move from place to place, and expect to remain unchanged but is a continuous process which only endures over time if it remains in process of evolution" (Wheatley, pg. 97).

How can we improve the system of communication at WHFC?

1 comment:

  1. Does the leadership of your church want to hear from the general church population reagarding direction, policy and hope or does your church operate from a 'strong leader' model?
    If the leadership does desire such input, by what means do you solicit such input?
