My friend Marie must have way to much free time on her hands because she constantly surfs the Net and sends out these cute little comics. I love them and I hope you get a chuckle too! This one reminds me of Christ's power to change people's lives.
You have probably heard the expression, "can a leper change its spots?" used in reference to people changing their ways. Well, when a relationship with Jesus Christ is factored into the
equasion the answer is "yes." Genuine change can occur in people's lives.
equasion the answer is "yes." Genuine change can occur in people's lives.
One of my favorite chapters from the Bible is Leviticus 14 describing the cleaning of the lepers. "And the priest shall go out to the leper camp (v. 3) ... and he shall sprinkle blood on them seven times and they shall be cleaned frpom leprosy" (v. 7). In the Old Testament leprosy is symbolic of sin. The effect of sin on human life is separation from God and the absence of abundant life. Jesus Christ came to earth, "to our camp," and sprinkled His own blood from the cross of Calvary, to reconnect us to God and the life He originally planned for us all.
Like the Old Testmant priest, our Great High Priest, Jesus the Christ, sprinkled us with His own blood seven times. He bled from His mind in the Garden (Luke 22:44), face (Isaiah 50:6), back (Isaiah 53:3; 2 Corinthians 11:23-24; 1 Peter 2:24), head (Matthew 27:29), hands, feet (Matthew 27:35) and side (John 19:34). Today total transformation of life is available to all who will embrace Christ by faith as the only One who can reconcile our lost relationship with our Creator and surrender control of self to Him through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
What say you? Are you tomented emotionally? Looking for peace and lasting joy? Jesus bled from His mind so your emotions could be whole. Feel ugly and unacceptable to God and others because of your past? Christ's face became marred so your face could be beautiful in the sight of God and self.
Need a healing? Jesus received 39 lashes on His back for you could be healed. One stripe for every category of sickness and disease known to mankind. Will you extend your life and faith to Him today and believe Him for your healing?
Feel as if your life is cursed? Just cannot seem to get ahead in life? When they placed the crown of thorns upon His brow Christ bore your curse. Is there any reason why you should continue to live and feel such condemnation when Christ paid the ultimate price for you?
As you examine your life today do you only see the sum total of your failures? Have your hands and feet lead you astray? Got you in trouble? Jesus bled from His hands and feet on the cross so your's could serve God and others.
Do you want a new life? An exteme makeover that pays eternal dividends? Look to the blood and water that flowed from the side of Christ when the soldiers pierced His side with a spear. When the water breaks the baby is born. Accept the saving work of Jesus, be born anew, and let His power change your spots!
Thanks for stopping by,
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