Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Educating Children

Questions, questions, questions. Every time I turn around it seems like someone is asking questions... I love it! One of my favorites from yesterday was, "What's your position on schooling children? Should children attend a Christian school if possible?" My answer is "YES!"

By all means I believe parents should send their children to a quality Christian school unless otherwise directed by the Holy Spirit. Lisa and I made a conscious decision to educate our three boys in a public venue only because we felt that was God's leading for us at the time. I have no regret for following His direction. My boys had a very successful K-12 experience and are competing well for the Kingdom of God and professionally today.

However, I would safely assume that our leading of the Holy Spirit to educate our children in a public school venue is not the case for most Christian parents. So, unless God specifically calls them to educate their children in a public school with specific objectives in mind, or to wrestle with the rigors and challenges of Home Schooling, the best a parent can provide for their children's social, emotional, spiritual, academic development is a "quality" Christian school experience.

I believe our parents at Willoughby Hills Friends Church should ask God to speak to their heart regarding this matter. I John 2:20 states that God has given us an "unction," and anointing of the Holy Spirit to know what is true. Unfortunately I think many parents make their decision based upon economics rather than the leading of the Holy Spirit. Those are my thoughts. What say you?

I am pleased that we have a "quality" Christian K-12 school meeting in our facility. More than 400 students meet at WHFC daily to "grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man." If you want to explore how our school can minister to your family give Cornerstone Christian Academy a call at 440-943-9260.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very thought provoking post. I believe people really want what is best for their child(ren) and that is why this question is on everyone's minds. Only God can show a family what is best. There are so many variables that go into this that it's hard to say one way is the best way. If we seek the Lord He will direct each of us individually. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will make the burden light - money for private school, time/means to home educate, Christian teachers in public school (just examples).

    What a freedom to know that we can look to Him for the answer to this 'tough' decision. We can be assured that whatever the Lord calls us to He will complete for His glory.

  2. Anonymous,
    I appreciate your comments and I would like to add an additional thought regarding money.

    I have heard some parents say that paying tuition to a Christian school seems like it would be too much of a burden on their family finances. I can see where it can require sacrifice and a re-prioritation of wants and needs. (Lisa and I have felt that pinch with college tuition for our boys).

    But I have heard many parents say "It was worth it... it was good for our family to educate our children in a Christian school... I would gladly do it again for my kids... etc."

    Never once have I heard a parent say, the sacrifice it took to provide a quality Christian education for my children was a waste.
