Saturday, May 30, 2009

Break the glass in an emergency

Scholar and author Mark Sayers says that the majority of people in the United States say they believe in some form of god. However the god they believe in is so distant and their idea of him/her is so vague that it fails to make any difference at all in their life. Sayer calls this "the break the glass in an emergency god" referring to the being/deity they invoke during times of crisis or when they get into trouble.(Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways: Jesus in Disney Land, page 106).

Not having a relationship with the one true God of the Bible leaves an uncomfortable vacuum that must be filled. In the American Church the "filling of choice" is consumerism. It is the primary idol placed before God. Many think that it will provide the meaning, value, purpose, and becomes the quest for "the good life" they desire.

The safeguard for us is clearly stated in Exodus 20, "Thou shall have no other gods before Me, says the Lord." He is the only One who loves and redeems us and provides true satisfaction in life. Making Jesus the sole object of our worship will keep us in perfect peace and deliver us from the idol of consumerism: money, power, prestige, self, etc. Do not diminish His power and presence in your life. Exalt Him to His rightful place (Psalm 99:5).

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Humans naturally define whatever god they choose carnally, in the physical, the definition thus changes or morphs depending upon the circumstances of life at any given moment. Praise and thanks for the good, help and rescue for the not so good. Blessings or thunderbolts from an un-understandable, un-knowable tyrant sitting on high in the place of judgement ready to strike in punishment or act in benevolence at the next step or mis-step we worms make. This is the corruption of the church.
    Simply put until a human repents of the carnal and allows Jesus to transform his/her mind into seeing, hearing, and feeling spiritually the god they serve is pagan. It is the god of the carnal world not the King of Gods Kingdom.

    Carry on!
