Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Monkey and the Fish

An Eastern parable tells the story of how a typhoon stranded a monkey on an island. In a protected place on the shore, while waiting for the raging waters to recede, he spotted a fish swimming against the current. It seemed to the monkey that the fish was struggling and needed assistance. Being of kind heart, the monkey resolved to help the fish.

At considerable risk to himself, the monkey moved far out on the precarious limb of a tree, reached down, and snatched the fish from the waters. Scurrying back to the safety of his shelter, he carefully laid the fish on dry ground. For a few moments the fish showed signs of great excitement but soon settled into a peaceful rest and died.

The parable you just read starts out Dave Gibbons' book titled, "The Monkey and the Fish". In the book Gibbons talks about how the Church sometimes tries to help people but ends up hurting them. What are some ways our church may be acting like the monkey?

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