Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Practicing Discernment # 3

"Now then my children listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways... Blessed are they who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway" (Proverbs 8:32 & 34).

It's been three years since Lisa and I spent concentrated time together discerning God's will for our ministry like we have over the past two months. What a blessed journey this has been for the two of us! Over the course of many weeks Lisa walked with Jesus through a Wednesday night Bible study for women on knowing God's will and felt comfortable sharing her insights and experiences with me along the way. At the same time I've been probing the Holy Spirit through reading both sacred literature and reacquainting myself with some of my favorite classics on hearing the voice of God. Through our journey we are growing more intimate and seeing the face and GPS of Jesus more clearly.

What has been some of the ways God has stirred upon our hearts in this time of discernment? Probably in some of the same ways He moves your life. God tends to present a full palate for each of us to use when piece-mealing His will together for direction and clarity in life. The palate of discernment usually consists of:

1. The Scriptures. The old book is inspired by God and should always be an active part of our discernment process. God will use it to get our attention and keep our hearts attentive to His leading.

2. Friends. God will speak peace and illumination in times of transition from those in our sphere of influence. I am convinced that it is impossible to know God's will in isolation ... we need people. When facing times of discernment remember three important words: "relationship, relationship, relationship!" God will often times speak through our faith community.

3. Circumstances. Often times God is speaking through open and closed doors. Just be sure you are not the one kicking the door open or slamming it shut. Rather, permit God's hand to twist the knob on your behalf. Circumstances can also include supernatural intervention. We serve a God of signs and wonders so who knows, maybe God will cause the sea to part, the bush to burn or make your donkey speak. Hebrews 13:2 says we may even entertain an angel or two on occasion. So, we should never discount the miraculous power of God as a means of communication from God.

4. Emotions and physical sensations. Romans 14:17 reminds us that "the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Sometimes the will of God cannot be seen so much on the bottom line of a contract but will always include "peace and joy". Believe me, I know from experience that the peace of God is more powerful than any night time medication one can take!

5. Dreams. By this I'm referring to "your heart's desire." What has God placed upon your heart that could possibly be seen through flights of imagination? What do you day dream about when you think of doing something different? This could be God's way of saying to you as He did to His servant Abraham, "Lech-Lekha", Hebrew for "Get up and Go!" (Genesis 22:2).

One thing for sure ... we must always keep our eyes fixed on the doorways of God's will. How cool is that? Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your journey with Jesus today!

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