Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why Mission Work In Brazil?

Great question! For me the question is easily answered, "because Lisa said I could." Any other questions? Seriously, even though that is a legitimate answer in my life (smile) let me give you some other reasons for doing mission work in Brazil.

First, because Brazil is a field which God has cultivated for such a time as this and Evangelical Friends are ready to seed the Gospel in the soil of His preparation. Second, there is an obvious need for Kingdom development in Brazil. Though our partnership with World Renewal International we have identified over 400 communities within a one day drive of Carpina which do not have an Evangelical Church at this time. I will bring us great joy to assist the Brazilian people in establishing faith communities in their geographic location which God will use to transform individuals, their families and culture for His glory.

Third, we are Commission to go to every point on the globe by our divine Commander and Chief with a specific purpose in mind. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus said that we should "Go into all the world and make disciples baptizing them into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit," and, He adds in Acts 1:8, as His "witness in the uttermost parts of the world" (Acts 1:8). These two passages have a common theme which Evangelical Friends address theologically. We believe that Christ's atonement not only provides for the forgiveness of sin but extends to the transformation of the heart (nature of man) as well. As we go into Brazil our intent is to present Jesus as the One who can immerse humanity into the very life of God so they can emulate Jesus to their fellow countrymen!

Real lasting Kingdom building and expansion will occur in Brazil when men, women, boys and girls consecrate their whole being to Jesus and are consequently filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Then the purity and love of Christ will naturally ooze from their being. Only then will the influence of Christ be fully manifest in their daily life impacting the Brazilian culture for the glory of God. This is the message of holiness and we must proclaim it to the nation. The world needs to know that Jesus Christ can speak to the condition of all!

Fourth, Jesus tells us that missions is a natural result of the consecrated life. Once we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit we naturally participate in missions! Note with me Christ's words from John 17, after praying "sanctify them," our Lord continues, "As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate Myself, that they may also be consecrated in truth" (18-19). Jesus demonstrated the fullness of His transformation by coming to earth as a missionary. We can concluded from this passage that a primary sign of the fullness of Christ's work in man is participation in missions.

"Going forth into the world" is a litmus test for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, an evidence of the fully sanctified life. That is one of the main reasons why Evangelical Friends are Kingdom building in Brazil ... we can't help ourselves ... it's in our spiritual DNA!

What say you? Are you passionate about local and global missions? If not then ask Jesus Christ to entirely sanctify your life today. It's yours for the asking!

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