You have probably seen research statistics such as the following from Strategic Renewal International that reveal startling and distrubing facts about the state of the church in America today:
> Church attendance has decreased 9.5% in the last 10 years, while the population has increased 11.4%
> Over the last 15 years $500 billion has been spent on ministry, with no appreciable growth in the impact of the church (Don Cousins, Experiencing Leadershift. David C. Cook, 2008. Page 151).
The church cannot continue with "business as usual" and expect to reach the world for Christ or even survive through another generation. We must change. We need to let go of everything that prevents God's people from experiencing the power of His anointing and we must embrace the timely words of Zechariah, "It's not by human might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts" (4:6). It's all got to start on the inside. It will require a change of heart for the American church.
The church has been following an institutional model for ministry and it is time for her to return to a biblical perspective. The life changing power of God cannot be mass produced in church government or activity. It requires the infilling of God's Spirit which comes through surrendered lives to Jesus Christ and a dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
This will require several things. One, will be discontentment. Nothing drives change like emotional, mental, and spiritual dissatisfaction associated with ministering in the flesh and not by the Spirit. Are we tired yet?
Two, change will require vision. Discontentment should lead the church to give up dated practice and embrace a new biblical paradigm for who she is and what she does. Are we ready to embrace God's way yet?
Three, change will require prayer. The American church is for the most part, a prayer-less church. And what little bit she does engage is often superficial or programmed based. Are we ready to call upon God for help yet?
My hope is that our leaders will not follow an institutional line when establishing our strategic three year plan this year. Our old model has failed to produce the desired results and our new model must be forged from the fire of sacred literature and tempered by fervent prayer. How can we practically facilitate this plan? What say you?
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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I agree. Somewhat.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe scripture will provide a new vision. Jesus will. What HE shows us must fit the foundational aspects found in the bible, but the vision will come directly from Him.
I don't believe it is scriptural to embrace the concept of "change", be it personal or corporate. Jesus doesn't change He re-news or makes new. He doesn't alter us, He re-creates us.
People can change, God makes new creations.
We can change the church, Jesus wants to re-dress His Bride. Not with altered or thrift shop attire but with new rainment He has designed just for Her. Can we remove ourselves and our preferences to truly "see" and welcome His new wardrobe?
Some can. A few are eager to witness Him working.
Most want what they want. Most believe the church exists for them and should fulfill them and be pleasing to their eyes.
His Bride is for Him. She is to be His pleasure and delight. He desires to have His way with her. Will we surrender to His advances or remain stubburn and selfish?
The failure of the past generation at whefc in not "making disciples" is coming home to roost. Only disciples "see" Jesus. The rest are just winging it.
Leadership must find the remnant He has placed among us and encourage them to gaze into His face and listen as he speaks.
Following the vision He gives the few will be our test as a fellowship.
Carry on!
"The Glory of God is man fully alive".
ReplyDeleteIf I would have known you were going to be so chatty today I would have bought you breakfast and picked your brain ... When you speak of "remnant" are you refering to people or principles?
AMEN, Narrow!
ReplyDelete"Most want what they want. Most believe the church exists for them and should fulfill them and be pleasing to their eyes." -- The church, in my opinion, exists for us as an equipping station, not a club of like members.
"The failure of the past generation at whefc in not "making disciples" is coming home to roost." -- True dat!
"Following the vision He gives the few will be our test as a fellowship." -- It will be challenging. Are we up for it? I say we MUST follow the vision to where it leads.
ReplyDeleteYou do know who it is you are agreeing with, don't you? :-)
So, who do you two think should be the ones to set the vision for the Meetinghouse?
Yeah, I know. It hurt me to write those words, but sometimes you can't deny the truth even if it does come from a narrowminded one. :)
ReplyDeleteI think the vision should be set collectively. Now, who all is part of that collection in a body as large as ours, is hard to say. Do we allow people to volunteer be part of a visioning committee? Do we leaders prayerfully consider those to ask to be a part of it? I don't know...
I would also add that the "qualifications" for being part of the visioning of the church are that the individuals be spirit-filled and truly open to the leading and guiding of God's spirit.
ReplyDeletePart of me shouts "yikes" I like my comfort zone ... but having said that - Friends has changed in the 3 years that I have attended and now become a member of.
ReplyDeleteI think that the vision, method of outreach, guidance from the pulpit are vastly different from a few years ago - extremely refreshing and from my perspective Christ - centered. I feel that all the dogma that can drag one down is stripped away and I just keep learning how to better see people and the world through the eyes of Christ.
Having said that - we must remain true to Christ and the Word. No watering down. Discipling is sooo very important and one of the keys to a vibrant personal relationship with Jesus. So that He can mold us and make us to be more like Him and have His light shining through us to the world (not our idea of what His light looks like).
Pastor Adrian - you asked a question about how to facilitate a plan - but tell me first what are the Desired Results? The one's outlined in our vision and mission statement of the church or something new and different?
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When an organization departs from its original path it will eventually find itself unable to apply the principles it was founded upon because the people have not the knowledge,disciplne, skills and maturity needed to function within the parameters these of governing principles.
We are following a governmental system dependent upon spiritual disciples of Jesus Christ who are mature in living Spirit-filled lives and hearing from Jesus Himself. The leadership of the past did not place a high priority on "making disciples". Resulting in a spiritually immature laity.
Spritually immature people should never be allowed to lead within a system of self-leadership such as we have here.
You don't send kindergarteners to Congress.
Yet if all one has to choose from is elementary students..........
Leadership must either find people of mature spiritual vision or change the system.
Frankly, IMHO, with a laity of emotioally super-sensitive spiritual babes, going where Jesus wants us to go will be almost impossible. Too many feelings will get hurt and with our wrong headed, childish view of "unity" that will be received as a work of the enemy and all hell will break out.
Our past disobedience in following a man and not making disciples has brought us to this.
Congregational confession and repentence is needed.
Leadership confession and repentence is needed.
Individual confession and repentence is needed.
The old must go before the new comes in.
There must be a time of emptiness and spiritual void before Christ can enter in and fill.
Now is the time for bold leadership.
Carry on!
one thing I know, leadership for this kind of change will require PASSION for this kind of is not something that can be taught. It is either in your heart or not. (the passion). Those are your leaders........the ones demonstrating the passion , the ones already with the vision in their hearts, living their lives that way. So overall, its right in front of your faces.
ReplyDeleteI think along with changing the vision, time has to be spent on developing people. We can't just expect people to "get it". Once again, Narrow has hit the "people problem" on the head and that has to be dealt with. Otherwise, we're taking people who are unprepared into something that they are ill-equipped to handle.
ReplyDeleteAre you feeling OK today? I mean, that's twice you agreed with Narrow in the same day. If this problem peesists you may need to dial 911 ...
Or, maybe Narrow should consider joining the SLC... (ha) Seriously, In what venue do you see us developing people for change?
The three year plan is to better facilitate our current vision, mission, objectives...
Monkey cut and run... what's up with that? :-)
Re: agreeing with Narrow: I can't believe it either. Has the rapture occurred??
ReplyDeleteAs for developing people, I think that can and should happen in our present activities. Do we actively seek out new people and embrace them and include them in what we're doing? Are we open to their suggestions or are we simply looking for people to come in, meld and become part of the status quo? Are we open to diversity? Do we leaders empower people by training, modeling and subsequently giving them varying levels of responsibility in which they can exercise their gifts and abilities? If not, to me this is a good place to start.
ReplyDeleteSLC? Sounds cultic.
Jesus chooses to offer Himself differently to each if us individually. HE chooses our leaders, He gifts them with the passion, vision and power to implement.
If He wants to create something new at whefc, the people to accomplish whatever He wants are here. Otherwise He wouldn't lead us down this path.
Let Jesus show us the ones He's chosen and be open to accepting anyone. Once identified it is then our responsibility to listen to them and support them, whether we like their ideas or not.
That's the tricky part.
Trusting Jesus to lift people up and surrendering to His leading thru them.
I'm sure we'll be surprised by who He has chosen!
Anyone want to follow a second grader into battle?
Can a nominating committee find these people?
Do we trust the process?
Is the process trustworthy?
Carry on!
ReplyDeleteIf I am not mistaken I just read emotion in your last reply ... how out of character is that? Is it you who forgot to take his meds today?
Rapture? "Some people" have voiced a concerned whether you would make it or not. I will pray for your spiritual condition and begin keeping a ledger and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to get you through heaven's gate someday :-)
LOL! Please keep me posted on my spiritual condition.
ReplyDeleteHow old was David when he slew Goliath ? All the veterans were standing back quivering in their sandals in the committee to decide who to select to lead.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. I'll assist where I can but I expect you no make some effort you know! It's a good thing you have me in your life. Women! (hee hee)