Organizational Structure
George Barna, Donald Cousins and other church guru of statistics report that the average church in America aligns with the following (or similar) organizational structure:
> Board Led
> Staff Run (or solo pastor)
> Congregation Served
> World Ignored
I believe a biblical organizational model for a church is:
> Board Protected
> Staff Led (paid/unpaid people who are commissioned by the church)
> Congregation Serving
> World Served
I believe the above biblical model is close to how we are organizationally structured at this time. We are still defining roles and very much in the process of providing our key lay leaders with more responsibility over the membership of the church (namely, elders and overseers). I assume a healthy change in the membership procedure at WHFC would require us to view the role of elders and overseers all the more in this way.
Instead of screening membership applicants for conformity to the doctrine and testimonies of Friends the overseers would focus more on searching out the relationship candidates have with Christ and their commitment to the vision, mission and objectives of WHFC. Then they would make recommendations for membership to Administrative Council assuring these two primary objectives have been met. They would also be empowered to spend more of their time and resources assessing the giftedness of members, discerning the calling of the Holy Spirit for ministry among members, making recommendations to the Nominating Committee for action, and assume greater responsibility to thoroughly disciple and develop those under their sphere of responsibility and care.
In addition, we would need for the elders to be able to spend less of their time and energy each month assessing and developing policy and procedure and function more in a biblical role of protecting the body of Christ. The scriptures make this matter of importance very clear. In Acts 20 Paul tells the elders in Miletus, "Be on guard for all the flock which the Holy Spirit has made you an overseers, to shepherd the church of God." Paul goes on to say to the elders that "savage wolves" would come and "speak perverse things that will draw people away." Paul's admonition to elders was to protect the flock from harm.
Peter tells elders in his first book "to shepherd the flock of God among you... with eagerness" (5:2). In Hebrews the church is told to submit to the elders "who are to keep watch over their souls and who will one day give account to God" (13:17). James states, the congregation should "call upon the elders when they are sick for anointing and prayer and to seek how help when struggling with sin" (5:13-15). Clearly scripture calls elders to pastor people as priority number one.
Specific to this discussion on membership is Acts 6:1-6. Here scripture presents the role of elders as given to the ministry of prayer and teaching the Bible and searching out needs in the body of Christ and the appointment of Spirit filled, qualified people to serve. Clearly elders are given the duty of delegation in the New Testament as priority number two.
I believe these objectives will require further consideration in order to change our membership practice from being "doctrinally driven" to "relationship based" and still maintain integrity in discipleship, discipline and screening for leadership. I guess it would be the Spiritual life elders responsibility to make all of this happen. What say you?
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, April 3, 2009
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"it would be the Spiritual life elders responsibility to make all of this happen." Hmmm...none of this was mentioned in my interview... :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, this sounds like a very strong model. I like the part about the world being served. Many churches today really end up serving themselves and being very me-centered. Before moving to this model though, I would think there would have to be good, solid policies and procedures in place to support the model. Thus, there is much work to be done to be able to move to such a model. If there isn't a solid framework, any good we try to do could be hampered by ineffective or nonexistent policies. IF this is to be undertaken, about how long do you think a transition like this would take? Or do you see it happening more as an evolution?
Sounds like the Borg.
ReplyDelete> Board Protected. Centralized power.
> Staff Led (paid/unpaid people who are commissioned by the church). Legions of elites.
> Congregation Serving. Minions producing
> World Served. The greater good.
"relationship candidates have with Christ and their commitment to the vision, mission and objectives of WHFC."
The "hive mentality" i.e. indoctrination. Assimilation
The Sanhedran
Keeping ones nose clean, sacrificing, offerings,,,
Feeding the poor, the lepers(as long as they don't come too close), caring for the widows....
Obeying the Law of Moses.
The Pharisees had this down pat.(weren't they the "elders" who in protecting the flock killed Jesus?) They knew that "better for one man to die than... well, you know, that greater good stuff.
Rome was designed under this system also. All with the greater good in mind. Regardless of the motives or in whose name it functions, tyranny is tyranny. Identifying something with the "good of the whole" (taxation, conformity, environmentalism, security, crucifiction, etc.) gives those in power license to do anything. Child-sacrifice to the gods was the pagans way of serving their world at one time, I know, we're way better than that. Let's try to forget about abortion.
This makes my skin crawl. It reeks of control and domination of the people for the sake of the organization and the perceived greater good.
Liberalism fails everytime it's tried.
This will not work. It must not work.
Top down, centralized organizations are prime for failure, and prone to the pull of populism. Did we not just go thru this? Is not our country going thru this right now?
Strengthening the individual, equiping each and freeing them to fulfill their Lives in Christ must be the focus. Freedom based discipling is what Jesus did. His prime concern was obedience to the Father, not serving the world(didn't Greg just preach on this?). His mission was fulfilled as an individual, willfully surrendered to the heart of another. The Life of a perfectly free entity of one, sacrificed out of love for another is how God redeemed the world. Not thru the organization of the masses. He tried that with Isreal and look what happened. It's been tried troughout the ages and has failed, without exception.
Jesus sets people free from stuff like this. A disciples focus is absolutely on Jesus, not serving the world or any convoluted idea of a "greater good". Jesus isn't a cause, He's a Person. We are not called to fulfill His cause but to be absolutely surrendered to Him. We just can't get away from defining our lives by our actions. Getting some sense of superiority or satisfaction from sticking our noses into other peoples lives, all in the name of Jesus, of course.
I repeat, Liberalism fails everytime it's tried.
I can imagine the responses this may foment but there it is.
I also know that......
"resistance is futile".
Carry on!
i dont know bruce. jesus was pretty freakin liberal.
ReplyDeleteHow so?
ReplyDeleteAnd how do you know my name? I thought I was incognito!
ReplyDeleteWell, Bruce, if he didn't know your name before, he does now :) You were my guess also.
ReplyDeleteBruce who!
ReplyDeleteBruce Springsteen :)
ReplyDeletebruce almighty?;@)