Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Forgiveness - Part 2

The Power of Forgiveness

Ephesians 1 tells us that "the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is at work in us..." Often when people talk about the power of Christ working in them they're thinking of the "walking on water" type of stuff. But the ability to forgive someone else is nothing short of a miracle and is a true demonstration of the power of Christ. Let me give you an example.

In the summer of 1994, over the course of 100 days more than one million Rwandan Tutsi were slaughtered by the Hutu militias. The brutality of such ethnic hatred shocked the world and left Rwanda in shambles. Many asked, would it even be possible to rebuild a society ravaged by genocide and steeped with such fear, hurt and hatred for one another?

Then the Christians stepped forward with a radical solution based upon the example of Jesus Christ. Instead of relying on the government to put things right the Rwandans were invited to tap into the healing power of forgiveness. The concept was called "restorative justice" and was implemented in village tribunals rather than in government buildings and courtrooms.

Through restorative justice victims and perpetrators would voluntarily assemble before the entire village and panel of elders. There the criminals would openly confess what they had done and cast themselves on the mercy of those whom they had grossly offended and abused. Giant billboards were erected along the roadsides with the words: "Tell us what you know. Admit what you have done. The Truth will heal the land." Slowly, forgiveness began to heal the land and the hearts of the Rwandan people. (this information was adapted from Revive, Vol. 40, Issue 1, Spring 2009, page 5)

What a wonderful picture of the power of God working through people. This is nothing less than the resurrection "miracle working" power of Jesus Christ manifesting in the lives of the Rwandan people. The question is: Do you have this same power working in you?

I want to encourage you to get alone with God sometime today. Ask Him if you are harboring any unforgiveness in your life. Consecrate your life to "walking on the waters of forgiveness" from this day forward. Make a covenant with God to seek restorative justice from this day forward with those who have/will hurt you ... for your good and God's glory.

What is God speaking to your heart today? I would like to hear from you ... Thanks for stopping by!

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