Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Work out your Salvation - 2

"… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:12-13)

This week we are considering various key words and phrases from the above passage. As we breakdown the text keep in mind that it is stated as a command. Now let me say this as clearly as I can … The Bible never calls us to "work for" our salvation, but to work it out! In other words, allow that which has happened within you to be manifested outwardly.

The Christian life is becoming (through your everyday existence) what you already are (through your position in Christ – such as righteous,holiness and the fruit of the Spirit). The Holy Spirit indwells every Spirit filled believer and imparts His nature and expresses Himself in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, forgiveness, etc. All the fruit and more are the characteristics of Him who lives within the person who has surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. So allow your life to openly manifest these things. Work out what He has worked in you!

This is especially important in our relationship with other people. We should treat them like God has treated us. One of the dictionaries I have gives the following definition for the term "work out." It means "to make its way out". Hopefully the grace, love, and acceptance the Holy Spirit has poured into our hearts will make its way out for others to experience today!

If you struggle is working out the character of Christ in your relationship with others then simply consecrate your life to Him. The fullness and fruit of the Holy Spirit can only enter a willing vessel. Then, once His nature is imparted into your life simply "work it out!"

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I truly appreciate the encouraging word!
    Though I'm a bit confused.

    Is being properly positioned(having salvation) with God the same as being Spirit-filled?

  2. -William Shakespeare

    "Love sees with the heart and not with mind."

    "For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where though art not, desolation."

    "When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave."

    "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."

    "So dear I love Him that with Him, all deaths I could endure. Without Him, live no life."

    I know these were written to exclaim a love between a man and a women but I hear a different tune when I read them. These are some of the verses I enjoy in my Love Affair with God. In that they are no less true... in that they take on their true meaning.

    “Dilige, et quod vis fac"

  3. Narrowminded,
    Good to hear from you. I guess this is my lucky week and it is my turn to agree with you (Pat can't have all the fun).

    Yes I do agree with you ... you are confused :-) Anything else I have help you with? ha.

    Seriously, if you are equating the term "salvation" with only the forgiveness of sin then the word does not "work" in today's blog. Salvation speaks of the full restoration of man. Man's problem goes beyond the eternal damnation in hell. He was created to be in the image (likeness) of God. Until the life of God (fullness of the Spirit) is imparted through full surrender (consecration) by request of the Christian salvation is not realized.

  4. Too deep...
    Too deep...
    It's not that hard.

    My head hurts.

  5. "let" "Him" out. (if only Paul had asked me)

  6. do you believe your definition of salvation the same as Paul's in the context of his letter?

    Is this definition of salvation the same as "being saved"?

    From Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    Carry on!

  7. Too deep for me...I believe that I have willingly accepted Jesus and His Holy Spirit into my life and heart. I still struggle sometimes in my relationships with other people...Sometimes I "react" instead of "respond" with feelings and not by the Spirit of God that i KNOW dwells within me..
    Quite frankly, sometimes its hard to treat people the way that I know He has treated me...

  8. Narrowminded & Anonymous,
    Bruce, yes I do believe my definition of salvation is the one Paul is referencing. He starts out this section with the admonition to "have the mind of Christ." That is a major part of the remaking process. It begins with confession of sin and repentence. We believe the Holy Spirit then matures (or leads) the Christian to a point of surrender (full conceration) at which time one is filled with the Spirit. The key is to follow the leading of Jesus.

    Thanks for sharing so transperantly with us. I am glad to hear that you have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Please do not dismiss what I am saying however. The struggle that you decribe is not a reflection of your salvation experience or cause for discouragement. If you recognize the struggle then thank God for it! Celebrate the fact that God has revealed an area in your life that He wants to perfect. Surrender that area of your life to Him. Ask Him to breathe life into that part of your being. That's walking in the Spirit.

    James 4:1 says that fights and quarrels come from what wars within us. If there is something that is not presenting the nature of Jesus in our lives we need to invite Him into it.
