Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Membership - Part 4

What I hear you saying is ...

That was one of the phrases I remember from the late 70's that was said to enrich interpersonal communication. I still use it some in counseling sessions today. It helps communicate understanding and clarity in communication. So much of problem solving requires effective communication. The issues/problems must be surfaced, emotion expressed and validated, needs communicated, solutions found, etc.

So, if I hear you correctly on the subject of membership your sense of the Spirit is:
One, the threshold for membership is relationship with Christ and affinity with the vision, mission and objectives of the local church. Two, adhering to doctrine and testimonies should not be a stopper for membership but has value in the maturation of the Christian life and in the health of body life. Three, discernment of leadership qualities should come through relationship. That one should not serve in leadership positions unless testimony is given by others in the fellowship that includes: call, character, competence and commitment on the part of the candidate. Right?

Who then has the responsibility to oversee this discerning process? How would information flow and to whom would it be funneled? This seems like it would be quite a task in a church of 1200 don't you think?

By the way, I like this venue. When you get all of my professional needs addressed can you fix the rest of me too? "How does that make you feel?" (That's another one of those psycho-babble phrases from the 70's)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I could foresee a level of ‘membership’ or inclusion, for a person even if they have no relationship with Jesus.

    ‘Advanced’ membership in an institution such as ours, once beyond the ‘threshold’ of “would you like to come along side of us as we try to find our way in this world” would require a commitment to Jesus.

    Honestly, after that we are personality driven, a group of like minded individuals that seem to be able to tolerate each other. Those with leadership visions rise and speak. Those without simply attend or follow.

    Majority rules no? Those who behave or think extremely contrary to the majority’s opinion of Jesus' opinion, leave or are asked to leave.

  2. Sorry Adrian, it looks like I killed the blog.

  3. The thing that troubles me in this discussion of membership qualifications is this: For . . .ever, the church has been slandered because of the actions of its "members". In taking on members without a vision or an adherence to our testimony, we release a person, or group of persons into the community that call themselves members of our body. Their actions then become a direct reflection on us, who are representing Christ. "The rub". Do we, or Jesus, want people running around calling themselves by our (christian) name doing damage in that name? It seems like that's already a major problem in the world today. Ask anyone what the think of a "christian". Most have been damaged by one!

    Just some thoughts from the cesspool!

  4. I'm not sure I want to be a member.
    All this sounds so tyranical. Carnal.

  5. Bob,
    I love you man. Keep it up and you will need to go to lunch with me again soon!

    Was that formal request to remove your membership or are you just funning with us on April fool's day? :-)

  6. Bob, I see your point, but unfortunately the damage can be done (and has been done!) by people who are members. There are those that are members in churches all over the world that go out into the world every day and give Christians a bad name by doing and saying a number of things. So when people encounter someone who is striving to authentically live their walk, they're skeptical because of those they've already encountered who have presented a different face of Christianity. Maybe instead of putting such a heavy emphasis on membership, the Church needs to put more focus on authenticity.

    Just some thoughts from on high.... :)
