Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Pilgrim

"Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Pilgrim through this barren land"

A pilgrimage is a journey undertaken in the light of a story. A great event that has happened; the pilgrim hears the reports and goes in search of the evidence, aspiring to be an eyewitness. The pilgrim seeks not only to confirm the experience of others firsthand but to be changed by the experience. (written by Paul Elie)

Heavenly Father, Paul told the Philippians that "the righteous that is from You is received by faith; so that I may have fellowship with You, know Jesus, and experience the power of His resurrection working within me this day. And though I have already attained Your favor and I am perfected in Your eyes through the righteousness of my Savior, I will press forward this day with Jesus as a pilgrim to lay hold of that which Christ has in store for me. So shall I walk by this rule today and this rule alone will be my mandate" (3:10-14, 16).

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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