Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Relationship # 3

My friend Pat Pope sent this to me yesterday. It is worthy of your consideration. You can adapt it to your setting whether it be work, home or church. I look forward to your feedback.

"Seven Questions Leadership Teams Should Wrestle With"
Copied from Perry Noble - Leadership, Vision & Creativty
June 29, 2009

#1 – Has everyone in the room kept short accounts…or is there any unresolved personal tension that needs to be dealt with?

#2 – Is there anything that we are doing as a church that we would not be excited about if we were not on staff?

#3 – Would we even attend this church if we were not on staff?

#4 – Is our goal to really focus on what needs to be done…or to get the meeting over with as soon as possible so we can get on with our individual agenda?

#5 – Are we resisting anything that God is leading us towards because it puts us in a very uncomfortable place?

#6 – Are we moving towards complexity or simplicity?

#7 – Is there anything that is obvious to everyone else but we are choosing to deny it because dealing with it would force us to change things up?

Good questions! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i'd like to know the answer to #4--and for #6--there's enough complexity in the world so i would hope that a church would strive for simplicity---or is that not of God's will?

  2. I think God's plan has always been to make things simple, but we humans seem to lean towards making things harder than they have to be. Somehow, we seem to think that more has got to be involved. Look at the Garden of Eden. The plan was simple, don't eat from one tree. Then the serpent comes along and says, "Did God really say/mean that?" Complexity introduced.

  3. so are the staff meetings filled with complexity or simplicity?

  4. Woudldn't know; haven't been to one. :)

  5. well, that's a simple enough answer--thanks and enjoy the day!!

  6. Anonymous,
    I just came from our weekly staff meeting ...
    We generally meet from 1-3 pm on Wednesdays. The agenda is usually the same:
    Bible study and discussion for 30 min. followed by prayer for one another. Then each attendee shares an update on their ministry; passes ideas by the group for feedback or buy in; assign tasks based upon congregational needs (calls, visits, etc); then we conclude by praying over the communication card prayer requests.

    Three or four times a year we meet for a dreaming/planning day as staff. I have our next one scheduled for Wed. 8/12. Our primary focus will be on the three year plan and fall programming.

    Simple or complex? Hummmmm .... I guest you will need to decide. :-)

  7. wow--i think i will pray more for the leaders of the church and that God's will be done (simple or complex)--huh?
