Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family of God # 5

How relevant is Church?

Pat Pope sent me this survey today from Chris Ediger's blog "In The Thin Places". It's part four of a series titled "The Unchurched." All of the information is timely and I encourage you to read through all five parts of the series if you get a free moment.

The survey's focus is on the relevance of the traditional church model for people today and presents some interesting results for consideration. Please read it over and comment on whether the findings are true to your experience or not. To view the actual survey and summary you will need to go to the following link. http://www.chrisediger.com/read/unchurch-part-four-survey-results

I look forward to hearing your comments. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. After reading Pat's post on the "unchurch" blog, I have to ask why WHFC isn't leading the way to establish house ministries and home group to help nurture the intimate relationships and close communities that are refered to so often in this space and from the pulpit on a regular basis. I have been disappointed that if there is such a thing going on here at WHFC they must be closed and private. Then I consider that perhaps it would be healthier if the house ministry or home if it was not comprised of members of the same meeting place but rather a collection of believers from several area churches and walks of life to keep things alive. I do feel that these should not replace the corporate worship but rather enhance and expand the believers faith walk.

  2. Anon-

    We have to discern our way and are currently in the process of doing that. Change does not come easy, my friend and we have to feel our way through careful not to do harm in the process. 'Course one then has to ask themselves, are we causing harm by NOT changing?
